Eviction Notice


As landlords, evicting a tenant can be stressful.  Our flat rate pricing is easy on your pocket book and eliminates the stress of filing eviction paperwork.

lease agreement for commercial property


Need help evicting a tenant from a commercial property?  We have been assisting landlords with evictions for over 15 years.

Courthouse steps

Eviction Process

The eviction process can be a difficult and confusing one for both residential and commercial evictions. Learn about our 4 step process.

Paperwork for a Land Trust

Why Should You
Choose Us?

Evictions & Judgments will take care of all paperwork and ensure that your legal documents are processed through the court system correctly the first time.

California Evictions for Landlords Against Tenants

Specializing in Residential Evictions and Commercial Evictions for real estate investors, homeowners, and small business owners.

Landlord Residential Evictions Processed for $848 in All of California Counties and Cities

Evictions & Judgments offers assistance to California landlords who need to evict their tenants. We take the worry out of confusing court legal documents, sensitive filing deadlines, and overpriced attorney hour fees.

We offer a base-fee package as our company does everything in-house from preparing all notices required by law, complaints and judgments, arrange service, court calls, and all filings. We ensure that the paperwork we prepare for you will meet the court requirements for a valid eviction case. We are registered and bonded Unlawful Detainer Assistant (UDA), Stanislaus Co., #18-001.

We are knowledgeable and experienced in all aspects of the evictions/unlawful detainers process. We understand that not all cases are as simple as it seems. However, Evictions & Judgments is ready and prepared to complete oppositions, motions, stipulations and/or agreements, posting order, and much more for an additional flat-fee.

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